Saturday, November 9, 2013

1 died and 1 Injured when a Motorcycle Fell in a Ditch in Kotli

Shokat Ali s/o Abdul Rahman resident of Panyam Chakswari and and Maroof s/o Abdul Razaaq were going to Khuiratta from Chakswari on their Motorcycle. Their Motorcycle fell into a deep ditch near Praie area.
Shokat Ali died on spot while Maroof got major injuries, he was taken to nearby hospital who referred him to Mirpur DHQ. Maroof is said to be in critical condition.
Funeral prayer of Shokat Ali was offered in Panyaam Chakswari, a large number of people attended funeral ceremony.

District Council Funds Not being Distributed equally in Chakswari

Political and Public wings of Chakwari said that Funds are not being distributed equally in Chakswair. Administrator Ch Mushtaq is in favor of his PPP voters and development Schemes are only given to PPP voters. Funds are wasted on persoal use and for PPP voters. Roads and many other development projects are only inaugurated for PPP voters.
People demanded PM Ch Majeed to take notice and distribute Funds equally in all areas. Mehmoodabad and Baba Tahli wali sarkar are being ignored while there is water supply problem in these areas.
Thothal, Boa, Dhangri Bala, Kalyal, Barowan, Mera Barowan, Banbrottian are being ignored. No development project is started in these areas.

NEWS : Pakistani Lit himself on fire because of a final exit visa from KSA

The oldest resident of Pakistani nationality, Al-Kharj today (Friday) to ignite himself on fire in protest at the disposal of his sponsor, who has conducted his final exit.
The source pointed out that the resident of Pakistan has poured gasoline on his body and set fire to himself on Prince Sultan Street (17) in one of the petrol stations as soon as he was informed he cannot work in visa and will have to exit. Pointing out that some of the presence of the incident they trying to save him and call the Red Crescent, which began located quickly.
Witnesses at the scene tried to save him and called the Red Crescent for help, local media reported. The man was transferred to King Khaled Hospital in Al-Kharj for treatment after suffering second-degree burns.
After end of the amnesty period on Nov. 3 police captured thousands of illegal workers and send them to back home. Last 24 hours 2,424 illegals Workers arrested from Riyadh and 11,000 from Jeddah. Meanwhile, illegal workers continue to be detained.
Please Note around 15 Lack Pakistani work in KSA. And most of them are form Azad Kashmir area.

About Mirpur.

Mirpur Azad Kashmir is the largest and beautiful city in Azad Kashmir. There are many other cites in the world with the name Mirpur (in India, Bangladesh and in Pakistan), but the Mirpur city in Azad Kashmir is the most famous all over the world. Mirpur is partly mountainous area and partly plain area, it has hot and dry climate, geographical conditions closely resemble with the northern Pakistani Punjabi cities of Jhelum, Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Mirpur is located near to the Pakistani industrial cities of Rawalpinid, Faislaabad, Gugranwala, Gujrat, Lahore and Sialkot etc. Mirpur has also successfully developed industries for example Textile, vegetable fat (‘ghee’), garments, scooters, cosmetics and many other industries.
Old Mirpur, old mirpur ruins, old mirpur city, mangla dam water, Mander in Old Mirpur,temples in old mirpur, hindu temples in old mirpur,
Old Mirpur
Mirpur city is the headquarters of Mirpur District, which comprises on two sub-divisions, Mirpur and Dadyal. Mirpur city was newly developed in late sixties on the banks of Mangla lake. In fact the remains of the old city (old Mirpur) are underneath the waters of the Mangla Lake, during the winter months when the water recedes minarets of the old Mirpur city mosques, remnants of a Sikh gurdwara and a Hindu temple become visible from a distance.
Mirpur was well planned and the buildings are mostly of modern design, in addition there is significant inward investment from expatriates now living in the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, & the Middle East. The city has a number of hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and other urban facilities.
Mirpur is 200 KM (4 Hours Drive) far from Lahore |
150 KM far from Islamabad (1 and Half Hour Drive) |
50 KM far form Jhelum (30 Minute Drive)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Story just to make you LOOOL!

Warning: Only read this when you are able to laugh out loud!!

I went to Home Depot recently while not being altogether sure that course of action was a wise one. You see, the previous evening I had prepared and consumed a massive quantity of my patented 'you're definitely going to crap yourself' road-kill chili. Tasty stuff, although hot to the point of being painful, which comes with a written guarantee from me that if you eat it, the next day both of your butt cheeks will fall off.

Here's the thing. I had awakened that morning, and even after two cups of coffee nothing happened. No 'Watson's Movement. Despite the chillies swimming their way through my intestinal tract, I was unable to create the usual morning symphony referred to by my dear wife as 'thunder and lightning'.

Knowing that a time of reckoning HAD to come, yet not sure of just when, I bravely set off for Home Depot, my quest being paint and supplies to refinish the deck. Upon entering the store at first all seemed normal. I selected a cart and began pushing it about dropping items in for purchase. It wasn't until I was at the opposite end of the store from the toilets that the pain hit me.

Oh, don't look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm referring to that 'Uh, Oh, Crap, gotta go' pain that always seems to hit us at the wrong time. The thing is, this pain was different. The chillies from the night before were staging a revolt. In a mad rush for freedom they bullied their way through the small intestines, forcing their way into the large intestines, and before I could take one step in the direction of the toilets which would bring sweet relief, it happened. The chillies fired a warning shot.

There I stood, alone in the paint and stain section, suddenly enveloped in a toxic cloud the likes of which has never before been recorded. I was afraid to move for fear that more of this vile odor might escape me. Slowly, oh so slowlly, the pressure seemed to leave the lower part of my body and I began to move up the aisle and out of it, just as a red aproned clerk turned the corner and asked if I needed any help.

I don't know what made me do it, but I stopped to see what his reaction would be to the toxic non-visible fog that refused to dissipate. Have you ever been torn in two different directions emotionally? Here's what I mean, and I'm sure some of you at least will be able to relate. I could've warned that poor clerk but didn't. I simply watched as he walked into an invisible, and apparently indestructible wall of odor so terrible that all he could do before gathering his senses and running, was to stand there blinking and waving his arms about his head as though trying to ward off angry bees. This, of course, made me feel terrible but then made me laugh,.....BIG mistake!!!!!

Here's the thing, when you laugh, it's hard to keep things'clamped down'. With each new guffaw an explosive issue burst forth from my nether region. Some were so loud and echoing that I was later told a few folks in other aisles had ducked, fearing that someone was robbing the store and firing off a shotgun. Suddenly things were no longer funny. 'It' was coming and I raced off through the store towards the toilet, laying down a cloud the whole, praying that I'd make it before the grand explosion took place. Luck was on my side. Just in the nick of time I got to the john, began the inevitable 'Oh my Gosh', floating above the toilet seat because my butt is burning so bad, purging. One poor fellow walked in while I was in the middle of what is the true meaning of 'Shock and Awe'. He made a gogging sound and disgustedly said, 'did it smell that bad when you ate it?', then quickly left.

Once finished and I left the restroom, reacquired my partially filled cart intending to carry on with my shopping when a store employee approached me and said, 'Sir, you might want to step outside for a few minutes. It appears some prankster set off a stink bomb in the store. The manager is going to run the vent fans on high for a minute or two which ought to take care of the problem.'

My smirking of course set me off again causing residual gases to escape me. The employee took one sniff, jumped back pulling his shirt up to cover his nose and pointing at me in an accusing manner shouted, 'IT'S YOU!', then ran off returning moments later with the manager. I was unceremoniously escorted from the premises and asked none too kindly not to return.

Home again without my supplies I realized that there was nothing to eat but leftover chile, so I consumed two more bowls. The next day I went to shop at Lowes. I can't say anymore about that because we are in court over the whole matter. Creeps claim they're going to have to repaint the store.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


#badluck #for #this house in mirpur #sliding #down #because of too much #rain

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Islamic year.

Hi all! just to let you know that the new islamic year has started today, Muharram is its first month.